Journal » Spiritual Reflections
"It's Friday but Sunday's Coming"
Years ago someone gave me a compact disc of a sermon by Tony Campollo. I don’t recall who gave it to me but it was the most remembered sermon I ever heard. Campollo told of a time he was asked to speak at a black church on Good Friday I...
Freedom, the Cowboy Code, and the Light of the World
I don’t know when it happened or even where on the ranch it was, but I was alone, away from the watchful eyes of my parents. I was free to roam wherever I chose. To get there my leash was lengthened in stages; close to the house at first. There...
The guiding principles of our great nation were built on God’s word by God’s people who came here at great risk and hardship for religious freedom. Continuance as free people depends on the condition of our hearts toward God. As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this week remember the source...
Do You Hear the Dead Men Talking
All the writers of the Bible have passed on. They are physically dead now, but alive in the kingdom of heaven. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are the 24 elders who surround the “Ancient of Days” on His throne, and praise him constantly. The wonderful thing is...
Where Ya Headed Pilgrim?
Pilgrims and Strangers ...To God’s elect, strangers in the world… I Peter 1:1 I don’t feel like a stranger in my world. I've lived in Fredericksburg for 45 years and I feel comfortable here. I have friends, and many acquaintances. Wherever I go I see people I know and often have...
The Determination to Serve
Matthew 20:28 …”the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Service is usually thought of as doing something for others in a physical way. Preparing a meal for a family going through illness, or for a...